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5-Star Drapery Systems turn hospital into home

Automatic Curtain supplied Gorden Hospital room curtain systems. It turns hospital staying comfy and homy.
Automatic Curtain not only does Home Theater Drapery Systems but also supplies all kind of Remote Controlled Motorized Drapery Systems.
Because of our design and build abilities and excellent pricing, Automatic Curtain has been called upon often to fulfill curtain and drapery needs outside of the Home Theater. Other venues and customers include Worship Centers and Churches, Healthcare buildings, Educational buildings, Corporate Offices, The Hospitality Industry and Interior Designers. Automatic Curtain also has the ability to create theme design, Green design, in both a residential and commercial setting. Architects purchase direct from us and often have included our name on the architectural. We have written specification for architects and assisted in design. We have been referred to as the one stop shopping for numerous projects.
Automatic Curtain has a network of installers capable of installing your project around the world. We work with top notch installers and integrators around the U.S and the world. So, not only can we come up with a great design, we have the capabilities to install for you or your company with in the United States or globally if needed. We can also provide field measuring for more complex designs.